Shirt Laundry
Maintaining a wardrobe with clean shirts is a difficult task among so many other activities throughout the week. At Star, we use a unique in-house process that leaves your dress shirts looking like new.
​​We are quick.
​​We are professional.
​We are reliable.
​We are affordable.
All shirts are inspected at the front counter upon arrival, including for any broken or missing buttons, and continue to undergo a half a dozen additional inspections before they are returned to you. Shirts are washed in small batches with the patience and care garments deserve. Our process prevents all tangles, tears, fabric shine and damage to buttons. Your shirts are gently pressed using our air finishing equipment that gently sends steam through the shirt followed by warm air to vanquish all wrinkles. As a result, collars and cuffs come out clean and bright without fading colors or weakening fibers.
We use...
High tech specialized finishing machines that provides your garment the attention they deserve.​​​​

​​We launder your shirts in cold water resulting in lowest amount of stress on the garment, as compare to majority of our competitors. They use hot water because of old technologies and high equipment maintenance cost resulting from using cold water.
​​For making your whites whiter and colors brighter, we use enzyme-based premium laundry detergent. This detergent is extremely effective at breaking up grease, oil, and food stains. Cheaper and other detergents commonly use in homes simply cannot produce these results.
​​​We are a renowned shirt laundry service, equipped with the latest machinery and technologies that facilitate the cleaning and maintenance of your clothes as well as the environment. Our experience in shirt laundry lies in the care of clothing along with technological innovation.
​​S​hirt Button Guarantee:​  We are so confident in our quality inspection proceses that we guarantee there will be no broken or missing buttons on your laundered shirts you receive back from us. Should there be any, we will clean three additional shirts for free.